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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} how many times have you been a bridesmaid/maid of honor?
Twice. I was a bridesmaid at the wedding of the couple that was part of our wedding party. They were married just a little over a year after us. And just last September I was the matron of honor at my best friends wedding.

{two} what’s the last thing you do before you fall asleep at night?
Pray. And guess what, He's listening.

{three} you just won your dream vacation, all expenses paid. where are you going?
Scotland and Ireland. For sure.

{four} what is your favorite outdoor activity?
Lolling. It is SO an outdoor activity..can't convince me otherwise.

{five} as a child, what did you want to “be when you grew up”? did you end up there?
I have no idea. I can't remember ever wanting to be anything specific. Maybe my Mom can help me out here.

{six} what are 3 things your dream home would have that you don’t currently have?
Only three things?! Dang, that's hard. An open floor plan. A second bathroom. A walk-in closet.

{seven} what’s for dinner tonight?
Good question. Jeremy sent a text message earlier that he really didn't feel like we might be running out for dinner tonight.

{eight} if someone stopped by your house unannounced on a typical Saturday night, what would they find you doing?
We'd be hanging in the back room. Jeremy would probably be playing a video game and I would be surfing the 'net or reading a book.

{nine} what’s your average monthly water bill?
I don't know. Jeremy takes care of the bills so I don't even open them usually. Probably too every other bill.

{ten} what do you do to relax?
Read a book. If I really want to let go, get out of my head, take a deep breath, take a mental vacation..I lose myself in a book.

Just a few more days to enter my Colgate Wisps giveaway..go enter right now!!


  1. Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself! I've never been a bridesmaid. It's such a huge honor!

  2. (Blogger is being annoying right now. I don't know if my original comment posted.)

    Love these posts! :)
