"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."~ Melody Beattie
This Thanksgiving was so very busy, but wonderful. One of the best Thanksgivings I've had in a while. I don't know what my Grandpa puts in that turkey before it's deep fried, but it is the best tasting turkey I have ever had. There was a small concern that the rolls had been burnt. But, they turned out great. MMmm..rolls. Wish I had some more right now.
I love spending time with my family. The wine is flowing freely and the women are all talking (sometimes loudly, and over each other) in the kitchen while the guys watch football. It was my cousin's 17th birthday ON Thanksgiving. Everyone brought birthday cards and we had cake along side all the pies.
And of course, there was the post-turkey nap! Chris is the only one I was able to snap a picture of. But, there were more.
Some of the girls (myself included) went and saw Twilight at the movies. It's sort of a tradition, to go see a movie on the Holidays. I haven't read any of the books so I didn't have any expectations. It was an ok movie.....and NOW I am reading the book. lol. On Friday, I spent the day hanging out with my friend, Jennifer. She lives in Dallas so I don't get to see her very often. We did just a little shopping, none of that 3:00 AM business. I left that to my other (CRAZY) friend, Kim. No, we didn't have an agenda..no shopping list. We were window shopping, browsing. I did find something for myself at one of the antique shops downtown. I couldn't leave it behind.
That night we went to dinner and a movie(that's right, movie number 2 for me),Four Christmases, with some other friends that live out of town, Kim (yes, the crazy one) and Jeff. We love spending time with them, it's always so much fun.
On Saturday, my sister, my husband, and I took a three hour drive out of town to have dinner with my Dad. I posted about this here. It was a pleasant visit. Nothing earth-shattering, although I'm not quite sure why I was expecting anything like that. It was hard to catch up, because people were in and out, cooking and cleaning. Maybe it was better to be that way for this "first" meeting. I would enjoy something less hectic next time, maybe dinner at a restaurant without the extended family. We will see how it plays out.
From left to right: my husband, me, my sister, my Dad (in the back there), his wife, Lisa, my step-brother, Jarrod, his wife, Michelle, my step-sister, Mallory, and her boyfriend...er...dang..I forgot his name
Nice family shots.