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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Going with the Flow down the Highway

If I've learned anything during all my adult years its that you have to be flexible. Jeremy and I have a frighteningly consistent habit of running into hinks and kinks in our well laid plans. For us, "Plan B" is no joke and absolutely required.

Today was a perfect example.

We jumped in the car this morning, Enchanted Rock our intended destination, but didn't make it off our street before I realized I forgot the camera. A quick turn around to grab it and we were back on track. We weren't on the road for long before we started seeing large swaths of bluebonnets on either side of the road. I grabbed my camera to take some shots on the go...and found my battery was dead. And all I could do was laugh...that is so typical. Instead of worrying over getting any good shots of the flowers, I simply enjoyed the drive.

A few hours later we found ourselves seconds away from the park entrance when we ran into a line of stand still traffic. The park gets quite busy during the weekend and if they reach capacity they don't allow anyone else to enter. As was the case today. We waited in line for just a few moments, laughing at all the people turning their cars around and driving by looking pissed, before we decided to follow suit. Plan B it usual.

Instead of exploring Enchanted Rock {we at least got to see the huge honkin' rock, even if we didn't get to hike it} we spent the day wondering Fredericksburg. It turned out to be a great day. It's amazing to me that Jeremy and I can enjoy each others company so much..after being together for so long. We did a lot of people watching, I bought two new bracelets, we had lunch on a lovely outdoor patio {the waitress left our chocolate cheesecake off our ticket so we left her a very nice tip}.

And Jeremy was nice enough to snap this picture with his cellphone on our way back home.

Again, life has taught me to be flexible and view life with humor and a shrug. A lot of the time, Plan B works out even better than Plan A.

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