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Monday, December 19, 2011


*  The guestroom makeover commenced about three weekends ago. First thing on the agenda, new door trim and doors. I don't want to go into details..but let me just say this..Jeremy finally hung one of the doors this evening (and it was the fourth door we bought). It's been....a lot of trail and error.

*  Bad News: Lil'Mama is not living with us anymore. Good News: She went to live with my in-laws. I'm fairly certain that my Mother-in-law is completely smitten already.

*  Our neighbors from down the street are handing out Christmas cards door to door. That makes my heart feel all melty. We don't really know them...beyond the friendly wave when driving it was a super sweet gesture.

* We are taking Mack and Dolly to the movies this weekend. It will be Dolly's first time ever...I'm sure she will whisper talk her way right through it. I am ok with that.

* Saturday outfit:



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