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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Guest Room Makeover...early stages

While Jeremy works on the major details...trim, baseboards, crown moulding, carpet..blah, blah, blah. I am busy working on the decorting aspect that will happen once all that other stuff is done. Here are some paint chips I've taped to the wall:

I'm leaning towards the top left color. But I have lots of time to decide.

Also, my sister donated her comforter to the guest room cause. This comforter and whatever the new wall color ends up being is what I will base my general decorating scheme on. I'm thinking a blue-ish, gray-ish, white-ish, yellow-ish theme.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I like that comforter! I'm with you on your paint color choice too. Can't wait to see the final product :)
