1. The best thing I did all
week was
annoy my boss to frustration. That's always a good day.
2. The fact that I don't have to work tomorrow and can sleep in makes me super happy.
3. Pets are a big part of my family. I could not imagine life without them.
4. My
husband {natch} is the best thing about my
5. With the cooler weather I am
looking forward to Jeremy's chili, hot chocolate, pumpkin spice anything, cinnamon brooms, mums.
6. Something that's on my "wish list" right now is a new pair of trouser pants. I really love the pair I have now but they are a size too big.
7. This weekend I am going to sleep in...did I mention that already? I've missed my Saturday mornings. Going out to my in-laws for dinner and to see my monkies.

"Pumpkin spice anything" sounds amazing :)