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Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Vision Board

The girls over at Tone It Up have challenged their readers to make a vision board. So, I started thinking about what I wanted more of in my life and then headed over to Pinterest to search for the perfect images to make my vision board.

Here is what I came up with. If I could have squeezed more images on there I would have, but this helped me pinpoint what I REALLY wanted to focus on.

I want to be less afraid of failure. I want more love, more passion, more kisses, more smoldering looks, more flirting. I want a LOT more laughter. I want to feel inspired. I want to spend more time with friends. I want a tighter body. I want creativity to STRIKE, I want it to flow into me and through me. I want to always feel that I can do anything, at any time..its never too late, never.

What would be on your vision board?

P.S. Don't think for a second I've forgotten about my 100 follower giveaway. It's coming, my lovelies!


  1. My sister has shown me idea boards for weddings, I've never thought about it for life in general. What a great idea!

  2. Can I just copy yours? ;) We both want the same things!

    I always remind myself of that quote by Einstein, something about "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over every day." Well, sir, I must be insane. So to remedy that, I am trying to shake things up a bit and not be so SSDD! :)

  3. LOVE this. I am totally, shamelessly stealing this idea.

  4. I love this post!..Seems like you and I are wanting the same things!
