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Monday, July 4, 2016


It's the 4th of July. My Facebook and Instagram account are full of pictures of people doing the normal 4th of July stuff. Everyone is out at the lake watching fireworks, gathering for the family BBQ, getting ready for the pool party. But not us.

Sometimes, when the world gets to be too much..when life gets a little too stressful...we retreat to our love cottage. So, we made big plans for the long weekend which revolved around not having to step a foot outside our house.

We did yard work. We read books. We watched some of our favorite shows. We bbq'ed and made s'mores. We listened to music. We enjoyed our back patio and hammock. We picked vegetables from our garden. We stayed up late and slept in (or at least I And each night, we crawled into bed saying 'That was the best day ever'.

Sometimes, doing "nothing" is exactly what we need to recharge so we can turn around and face the world again. Not all the time, but sometimes.

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