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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wait..what day is it?

I was so very tired yesterday after the gym. I had every intention of being in bed by 9:00. But then my sister called and we had a nice little chat for a good 45 minutes. And then I had to finish my blog post. I was so brain dead that it took me FOREVER to think of 10 things to share about myself. So I didn't get into bed until 10:00 and the TV wasn't turned off until 11:00. Oy vey!

I sort of went through my day in a bit of a daze. I sent a request for today's due date, because I thought today was tomorrow. And at the post office after work I dated something 06/14/2010...twice!
I'm surprised I can still remember my name at this point.

But, I'm home now..where it doesn't matter what date it is..or what my name is. I've done my chores, made and cleaned up dinner, even bathed the dogs.  I've had A margarita and now I'm snuggled up with Otto. Oh yeah, and...


  1. Oh gosh! Practically every day is like that for me a la Groundhog Day. I always worry if I accidentally put the wrong date on a check that someone will think I'm purposely post-dating it (which you're not really supposed to do anymore). Or I'll get excited b/c I think it's still the weekend and unfortch, it's a Monday. :p

  2. I'm a morning person so I try to go to bed early too but I totally get having every intention of doing something and getting sidetracked!

    Love that T-shirt and I hope you have a great Wednesday!
