1. Red hair. It's sort of his signature and all natural. He's worn it long enough to put in a ponytail and cropped like a military cut. I like it in between. I swear he's been able to grow a beard since the 8th grade. He's been clean shaven a few times since we've been together, but the goatee is pretty standard.
2. T-shirts. Also signature. My husband owns just about every Metallica t-shirt there is. If it's not a Metallica t-shirt, it might be AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Ford Mustang, Marshall, ESP, or Gibson.
3. Jeans. You won't find him in anything else. He was wearing the 'distressed' jean before it was trendy..and expensive.
4. Converse. He wears a pair until they fall apart and then we MUST go out immediately and buy a new pair.
5. Tattoos. I love his body art. Every piece is beautiful to me.
6. Guitars. It's in his blood. Music is something he is so passionate about. He has been playing guitar for forever, self-taught. When we moved in together he had two, which turned into one, and now we are up to four (I think) and a bass. He always wants more but I keep asking him where he thinks we are going to put MORE guitars.
7. His smile. His happiness is my happiness. I love when I can make him laugh.
Sweet post. I love that the things you listed that you love about your husband are these sweet unpretentious things- your husband seems like a lot of fun!