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Monday, September 24, 2007

The Key

"Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom."

Today I spoke with my father for the first time in over ten years.

As I punched in the numbers I was more nervous than I thought I would be. Last minute thoughts of 'what are we even going to talk about' ran through my head. I very nearly just hung up. But then the phone picked up on the other end and I heard his voice.

'What do I say?!', I thought quickly.

Hello, Dad! This is your daughter. Remember me?

No, no...that won't do.

I kept it simple with 'Hello, this is Jinny. How are you?'

We talked for over an hour, inching close to talking about our past only once and briefly at that. We both kept it polite and light...'How's the job going' and 'What do you think about this weather' sort of thing. He made me laugh and he laughed too.

Once I got off the phone I realized that I didn't get my Father back, it might be too late for that, but I might have a new friend.


  1. I am assuming this is a true event in your life? If so, it is incredibly brave!

  2. That short post had great feeling...You finally broke that ice.

    Good going!

  3. I never met my father (he didn't marry my mother) and by the time I searched for him, he was dead, so I'm glad you've taken that step.
